Find my route
This is one of those short lines which would nevertheless explain a great deal.
From Blaton, you skim through the complex canal crossings. You go past the Grande Bruyère sandpit. You have a view that is not to be missed over the region and the Marais d’Harchies with its remarkable Natura 2000 protected area. You think of iguanodons, the local stars following the discovery of iguanodon skeletons here back in 1878, as you head towards Bernissart and its old railway station, the end (already!) of this trip.
The route:
The route follows its own safe path along the Line 78A RAVeL.
Smooth, alternately asphalt and concrete.
Height difference:
Full directional signs are in place along the entire route.
Starting point:
Rue du Mont d'Or, Blaton.
Coordinates Lambert 72 : X : 100834 m - Y : 132202 m
GPS coordinates: Latitude: 50°29'54.81'' N - Longitude: 3°40'32.67'' E
Access by Train: Blaton station +/- 2.5 km away.
Arrival point :
Rue Léotard, Bernissart.
Coordinates Lambert 72 : X : 98551 m - Y : 130140 m
GPS coordinates: Latitude: 50°28'47.37'' N - Longitude: 3°38'37.85'' E
Around the route by bike: