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International Route3

EuroVelo 19 - La Meuse à vélo
Sur la Route des Citadelles

The Meuse by bike, the first long-distance cycling route fully signposted and waymarked in Wallonia, enables you to cover 147 km following one of Europe's most beautiful river valleys. Whether you leave from the French border near Givet or the Dutch border near Maastricht, the rural landscapes you will encounter, created by this majestic river, will take you to explore the magnificent natural and industrial heritage of Wallonia.

Length (in km)
147 km
EuroVelo 3
La Véloroute des Pélerins

As you leave Aix-la-Chapelle/Aachen, the Pilgrims cycling route takes you to Liège, known as the Cité Ardente owing to its warm, lively atmosphere. You soon reach the highly symbolic ‘Trois Frontières’ or ‘Three Borders’ between Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. After about 5 kilometres on the Line 39 RAVeL, you join the Plombières mining site and the Line 38 RAVeL which takes you to discover the bocages of the Pays de Herve region in a bright, green setting. Discover the video of Lines RAVeL 38 and 39, the best european greenway 2021 !

Length (in km)
209 km
EuroVelo 5
Via Romea Francigena

The EuroVelo 5 route takes you to explore the wealth of the natural, architectural, cultural and brewing heritage of Belgium.
Having left Lille, known as the ‘capital of Flanders’ in France, you follow the rural greenway along  the Roubaix canal to enter Belgium. Passing by small locks and drawbridges, accompanied by the lapping water, you will wind your way, sometimes in Wallonia, sometimes in Flanders, along the Espierres canal and then the Scheldt river.

Length (in km)
304 km

Regional Route2

W5 D'une vallée à l'autre
De Hoegaarden à Vresse-sur-Semois

The first part of your route runs along the Line 142 RAVeL. You cross the Hesbaye, one of Belgium’s most beautiful agricultural regions, alternating between opulent fields of wheat and beetroot. After stopping in Jodoigne, your trip continues peacefully through the delightful crop-filled expanses and architecture of the Hesbaye region. Following in the footsteps of the Roman legions that once crossed this region as they conquered Gaul, you reach the capital of Wallonia, Namur. Its historic centre and art of good living captivate more and more visitors every year.

Length (in km)
181,5 km
W6 Au fil de l'eau
De Chaudfontaine à Erquelinnes

From the start at the springs and spas of Chaudfontaine, you are immediately immersed in the atmosphere of three major rivers in Wallonia, the Vesdre, the Meuse and the Sambre. Along this route, you will appreciate the safety of the RAVeL and gain an overview of the extensive inland waterway and post-industrial heritage of these three valleys and the cultural diversity to be found in Wallonia in cities such as Liège, Namur and Charleroi.

Length (in km)
163 km

Local Route1

Ligne 142
De Jodoigne à Namur

You start your hike in Jodoigne, an old medieval city, whose Saint-Médard church, an architectural jewel of the city, dates back to the 12th century. You carry on in peace and quiet towards Ramillies and Eghezée, passing Hesbaye farms, chapels and ‘potales’ or niches containing a religious statue.

Length (in km)
31,5 km