Find my route
As you leave the town of the Copères (as the people of Dinant are known) along the RAVeL on the left bank of the Meuse, several hectares of vines can be seen growing on the side of the valley. Just before Anhée, the ruins of the feudal castle of Poilvaches overlook the Meuse from their rocky spur. Here you are in the most beautiful part of the Meuse valley with its many cliffs and superb settings such as the famous Annevoie gardens.
When you reach Rivière, look up. You may see those daredevils of the skies, hang-gliders, who have launched themselves from the top of the Sept Meuses beauty spot.
As you enter Namur, you pass through the village of Wépion, recognised the world over for its strawberries. Before you stands the Namur Citadel, a monument from another age, masterpiece of Vauban, the great military architect of Louis XIV. The city of Namur, capital of Wallonia and the gateway to the Ardennes, is a multi-faceted place. The art of good living is everywhere.
The route:
You cross Dinant bridge to the left bank of the river and follow the Meuse RAVeL along its own path until you reach Namur. At La Plante lock, just before Namur, either you continue on the left bank to the centre of Namur, or you cross the lock to the right bank and follow The Meuse by bike towards Huy.
Mostly smooth. Note that at the Houx lock, the surface changes from asphalt to fine dolomite rock for three kilometres. From Anhée to Namur, alternating asphalt and passable cobblestones.
Height difference:
Specific ‘The Meuse by bike’ directional signs are in place along the entire stage.
Place Reine Astrid at 5500 Dinant.
Coordinates Lambert 72: X: 188750 m - Y: 105650 m
GPS coordinates: Latitude: 50°15'38.23'' N - Longitude: 4°54'43.89'' E
Access by Train: Dinant SNCB railway station.
Rest areas:
Around the route by bike:
• Anhée VeloTour -