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Ligne 163

Length (in km)
57 km

De Gouvy à Libramont

The route is set out entirely along the old No 163 railway line, where folklore and delicious local produce with the smells of salted goods nestle in the heart of the region's valleys. You go deeper into this green lung, the Belgian Ardennes, in peace and quiet and in total safety. First of all, you cross through thick forests of deciduous and evergreen trees. 

Interactive Route Map

Image de l'itinéraire

Deuxième image de l'itinéraire

Route Stages : Ligne 1632

De Gouvy (Haie de Bellain) à Bastogne (stage 1)
On the Line 163 RAVeL

The route is set out entirely along the old No 163 railway line. You go deeper into this green lung, the Belgian Ardennes, in peace and quiet and in total safety. First of all, you cross through thick forests of deciduous and evergreen trees. 

Length (in km)
27,5 km
De Bastogne à Libramont(stage 2)
Sur le pré-RAVeL de la Ligne 163

Soon in English.

Ce pré-RAVeL, bientôt RAVeL à part entière, parfaitement cyclable en VTC, vous conduit à la capitale du cheval de trait ardennais, Libramont, au départ de la cité qui fut le cœur de la bataille des Ardennes, Bastogne.

Length (in km)
29,5 km