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Ligne 147

Length (in km)
44 km

De Sombreffe à Lincent

The landscapes you cross cover vast areas of low, even farmland marked here and there by imposing Brabant farms.

There are virtually no items of industrial heritage to be seen along the entire route. A few sparse buildings, such as Ramillies railway station in the place known as ‘Croix de Hesbaye’ or Racour railway station bear witness to the important role played by railways at the time when everything went by train. 

The views from the RAVeL are usually clear, but the dense vegetation creates some shady areas without having to cover kilometre after kilometre through green corridors.
In the Orp-Jauche region along stage 2, the route crosses the valley of the Petite Jette and the landscapes become more undulating. The RAVeL takes on a picturesque look.

Interactive Route Map

Image de l'itinéraire

Deuxième image de l'itinéraire

Route Stages : Ligne 1472

De Ligny (Sombreffe) à Perwez (stage 1)
On the Line 147 RAVeL

You start your trip from the old Ligny Sud railway station, not far from the battlefield where the French Emperor, Napoleon I, won his last victory.

Just before the village of Sombreffe, sections of rails and points placed on sleepers can still be seen over a distance of about a hundred metres. These are the last witnesses of the activity on the line. A rail connection here served a grain storage warehouse. 

Length (in km)
23 km
De Perwez à Lincent (stage 2)
On the Line 147 RAVeL

As you leave Perwez, you will go through an agricultural landscape for about fifteen kilometres before reaching the valley of the Petite Jette. Following a gentle slope, you will then reach the plateaux of the commune of Lincent. 

Length (in km)
21,5 km